Mana Tithe - one of my all time favorite cards - is a great way to "get" unsuspecting opponents. When the Elephant is good its great (imagine turn two Raise the Alarm into turn three Spectral Procession, tap all five tokens to convoke Venerated Loxodon into play and put a +1/+1 counter on all the tokens), but when it's bad it ends up getting stuck in our hand, which makes it a two-of in the deck.Īs far as interaction March of Otherworldly Light offer an efficient way to answer pretty much anything. We have to make a difficult choice between getting in immediate damage or potentially getting in even more damage the next turn with the help of Venerated Loxodon.
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A free 4/4 sounds nice, so what's the problem? Well, it's sometimes super awkward to have to tap down our tokens to convoke Loxodon into play. Thanks to our ability to flood the board with tokens we can often cast it for very little (or even no) mana thanks to convoke while also growing whatever creatures we use to convoke it into play. Our last way to buff our tokens is Venerated Loxodon, which is super interesting. It's hard to actually deal 20 damage with 1/1 tokens, but once we turn them into 2/2's or 3/3's it gets much easier. Outside of a couple of token producers these are the cards we want to see the most. While the vigilance of Intangible Virtue is nice, the problem is that it only pumps our tokens while Honor of the Pure also buffs Resolute Reinforcements, Thraben Inspector and friends. Backing up Force we have Honor of the Pure and Intangible Virtue, although in hindsight I'd probably just play three copies of Honor of the Pure rather than the current 2-1 split.

It occasionally allows for some absurd starts where we manage to make two or three tokens over the first two turns, exile the rest of our hand to play multiple copies and essentially get a free win.
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Force of Virtue is probably the most powerful of the bunch since we can usually cast it for free by pitching a random white card. Speaking of anthems, we have several different ways to grow our endless 1/1 tokens into real threats. With an anthem or two on the battlefield the fliers are one of our best ways to finish the game quickly. Since all of our lands make white mana it's always just three mana to make three 1/1 flying Spirits, which is a great rate. Meanwhile, Spectral Procession is one of the best cards in the deck. While not especially efficient Secure the Wastes is solid in the late game if we have a bunch of lands, letting us make a bunch of tokens on our opponent's end step and hopefully untap and kill our opponent with one attack. Rounding out our token producers we have Spectral Procession and a single Secure the Wastes. Getting two bodies on the battlefield on turn two is super important to the deck for a few reasons, with the biggest being that it allows us to flip Legion's Landing on turn three and makes sure we have bodies on the battlefield to benefit from our endless anthems. While there are small differences here and there, in reality all three are basically the same card, giving us two 1/1's for two mana. In the two-drop slot we have Resolute Reinforcements, Raise the Alarm and Gather the Townsfolk. Meanwhile, Legion's Landing makes a 1/1 token, which is nice, but its real power is flipping into a token-making land, hopefully as early as turn three, which not only ramps us, but gives us repeatable token production in the late game to help finish our opponent off. Thraben Inspector might not technically be a token (although it does make a Clue), but it is solid in our deck as our budget-friendly Esper Sentinel as a one-drop that can draw us a card. Ideally we'll start on turn one with either Legion's Landing or Thraben Inspector. The plan of our deck is pretty straight forward. Oh yeah, and we get to Mana Tithe some fools.

The plan is to play token producers that put multiple bodies on the battlefield, pump them with various anthems and beat our opponent down with combat damage. Mono-White Tokens, as its name suggests, is a token deck.