The Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent allows the delivery of proteins and antibodies into cell lines in less than two hours. HeLa transfected with 5 µg of rAcGFP1 using Product C or Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent. Transfection efficiency was assessed by flow cytometry one hour post-transfection. The cells were transfected with 4 µg of recombinant fluorescent protein (either rAcGFP1 or rDsRed-Express) using Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent or Product C according to the manufacturers’ recommended protocol. Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent yields higher transfection efficiencies than Product C across a broad range of mammalian cells, including a number of rodent and human cell lines, hard-to-transfect human suspension cells, and mouse embryonic stem cells. the leading competitor, Product C Protein transfection efficiencies across different cell lines: Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent vs. Protein transfection efficiencies across different cell lines: Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent vs. Moreover, Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent can transfect cells that are growing at a higher density than competing products, which is important since assays are often performed within a few hours post-transfection and the higher cell densities ensure sufficient material for downstream analysis. Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent offers the best advantages of both, i.e., it retains low cytotoxicity and delivers more protein to a higher percentage of target cells (see Image Data tab in the product details section below). Lipid-based reagents tend to demonstrate high cytotoxicity, while peptide-based reagents transfect with low efficiency. The two technologies most frequently used for protein delivery are based on lipids and cell-penetrating peptides. What are the advantages of Xfect Transfection Reagent compared to other protein delivery technologies? Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent makes it possible to deliver active proteins directly into cells for studies that involve transcriptional regulation, the cell cycle, apoptosis, oncogenesis, epigenetics, cell regeneration, and transdifferentiation. It also facilitates studies involving transient effects of proteins, and avoids potentially harmful random DNA integration into the genome of the target cells. Protein transfection is extremely rapid compared to traditional gene expression studies using transfected DNA (1–2 hours compared to 18–48 hours) because it bypasses cellular processes such as transcription and translation. Why transfect purified proteins directly? Two hours later you are ready to assay for protein activity. Just incubate your protein of interest with the Xfect reagent in the supplied buffer for 30 minutes and then apply the mixture to your cells. Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent is a modified peptide with cell-penetrating activity whose amino acid composition enables it to interact with a protein cargo and transport this protein across a cell membrane barrier. What is the Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent and how does it work? The Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent uses a cell-penetrating peptide to bind and transport active proteins directly into a wide variety of mammalian cell types, including hard-to-transfect human suspension cell lines and mouse embryonic stem cells.